Our Assessments

Kinder Ready™ (ages 3-5) and Elementary Wise™ (6 years and older) offer assessment for early learners. Assessment is important as it is the “road map” to where we want to go academically. Assessment is also vital as it gives us a “baseline” as to where we are and how we may further develop. The assessment also helps us plan and progress monitor. Once the assessment has been completed Elizabeth and families conference together in the post-conference to co-develop goals (academic/social and emotional). The assessment also includes a parent questionnaire to evaluate parents’ background and home practices. The initial assessment guides instruction to make your child’s learning sessions targeted. Student receives multiple breaks and movement opportunities. Students are welcome to come for multiple visits to complete our academic-based testing.

Assessments are scheduled 7 days a week.
Morning times are the most optimal, however, we may accommodate later times if needed.